I felt decently safe behind these guys..
After all that, we went inside one of the big beautiful cathedrals.. along with a whole bunch of the cutest tribal little old ladies I've ever seen. I don't think anyone in that room was more than 5 ft tall. After admiring all that beauty in the churches, we walked over to the same little "hobbit" style cafe that Ted and I went into. This time, we went for a really yummy shrimp stew item and some other random stuff.
Also, I found a random tank in a courtyard, but this was just part of the military museum.
We had some drama on the return, as the driver that was supposed to pick us up at the Botero Museum wasn't able to show. Luckily, after all the drama that Ted and I had trying to find a way home last time, I was able to get to the success location first and get a cab pretty quickly. Made it home ahead of schedule!
Things are quieter around here these days at El Refugio as all of the Italians have gone, and the poor French family that had been stuck here was able to leave today to go sign their Sentencia!! Because I share their court (22) and lawyer (Alberto!!), Fana and Alberto are trying to be proactive to make sure that if the court asks for the same strange paperwork that they did on Chloe which got them held up.. that maybe they can start working on that for me now-ish. So far, I haven't heard anything else, good or bad. We will let them take care of the French family, and then hopefully my turn will be coming up soon. I will be here 4 weeks tomorrow, which is ideally about the time that something COULD potentially happen. I think I was 4 weeks and a few days last time when I got to go sign Lucas' adoption decree. I am hoping for news next week, as that would ensure I can make my plane tickets home and we won't have more significant financial drama. We did have a budget for this, but if something goes terribly awry, we will have to come up with some fancy footwork as it costs me $4,000 a month to just be here.
Now that the French family gets to be on their way home next week, let's hope it will be my turn soon!
Today we have done nothing but hang around here and go to the parks and play places. Breann and I will get to escape for 2 hours tonight after dinner/bath time.
I leave you with yet more cuteness, as Sam is now finally loving his bath. He's pretty cool.
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