Auntie Brean was sent for more Children's tylenol while Sam lounged. He is not a little guy to stay still or relax at any time, so this was a photo op for proof for you all as well. Lucas also realized that he could mooch some cartoons out of this deal, so he was there for "moral support".
Once the drugs kicked in that morning and Sam began to act like himself again (and we were confident he didn't have something that could be passed to someone else), Lucas, Auntie Breann, and I put on our nicer clothes and set out for Fana for Lucas to discover a bit more about where he was a baby.
As I've been to Fana a few times before, I can just share the more touching of the moments. Everybody loves the tiny baby rooms.. quite a few little things that were born in April or May. Both Lucas and Sam came to Fana very young in their lives, and were at one time in this room as well on their journey to us, although we didn't know.
Now here is another room that will get you.. as it relates to my Sam. Here is the toddler play area, where he spent a lot of his time as well.
I don't know about you, but I just can't picture him as just another toddler in a play room, but that is because he is rather real to me.
Here is Sam's old bedroom.. and one of these was his.
Lucas and Auntie Breann baby watching
This is the therapy room dedicated to kiddos like Sam that need extra therapies such as speech, OT, and PT. He spent a lot of time in here as well.
I was even able to chase down these three, who will have a home in Minnesota as soon as possible!!
We then went outside to see the school where the neighborhood children from Suba receive supplemental education. I didn't want to disrupt the classroom activities with the classes in session, so no pictures from there. It is eerie how Lucas would fit right in with that crew. On our way circling back to the front from the backyard school house, we walked along the toddler rooms again where the back wall is a full window. We were very interesting and the teachers indicated I could snap a few pictures. All of the children at Fana are either in Colombian foster care from the area while the parents are resolving issues or are already relinquished, abandoned, or removed and on the adoption track on some level. Not all will be internationally adopted as that is the "last stop", but all are "stuck" in the system in one way or another. Seeing my son on one side of the glass, with these children peering out at us from the other, made. me. weep. Answering Lucas' questions about why those kids are there with no one to come pick them up was harder.
Here, Lucas poses with the head nurse at Fana that helped with our tour
On our way home, we decided a treat to finish our date was in order. Breann and I headed for the fresh fruit stand again, and Lucas for a giant exciting cookie.
To finish, I just need to post an adorable picture of this guy, "stuck" behind the glass no longer!!
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