Sam doesn't just quietly lay in his crib.. it is a full jumping yelling experience that is rather upsetting to the other folks in the room.
I snuck this shot of him just a minute ago spending some time standing on his head.
It's moments like these when Ted and I like to joke "So, Sam.. how are those 'special needs' coming along??"
Yesterday We, Breann, and the Fellermans from MN went back to do another trip to Montserrate as it was a first for Breann and them. Lucas was the proud tour guide, and told Zahria all about it.
Once at the top, Breann needed to start helping Ben before he went off a cliff at it had rained a lot in the morning and the cobblestone slopes were slippery. As he did not want to smile for his picture, they did mean faces instead.
We walked through the stations of the cross as well as the Catholic church and lookout spaces. I let the boys each pick out a cheapie item from the vendors at the top. At the very top is a modest string of street vendors, where I had vowed to try "blood sausage" as featured on Bizarre Foods and Anthony Bourdain. Wasn't that bad!! Was purple/black from the blood and "other" items.. but other than that it basically tasted like a dry sausage. I got in the zone and also went for some fried/grilled intestines of some sort as well as some charred black thing with suction cups which tasted like it looked.. charred and black.. and jerky-esque. We also all had a tamale which was quite good. Breann went for an Arepa, which is basically a pancake bread that doesn't taste like much.
No, I did not feed my child strange street food, but he really enjoyed some of the juicy chicken and cornmeal in the tamale. Last night, we parked some more and played outside, and waited to skype with Grandma and Grandpa Sibley in MN.
Last night, Breann and I went back to Wok.. the super nice Japanese/Chinese place a few blocks away where good sushi was had.
This morning, Breann took L and B to one of the nearby parks so that Sam and I could go buy some presents for Ben's bday. I had looked before, so I already knew what he'd like. I picked up a big Thor "man doll" that I've never seen sold in the states, as well as 3 stuffed "man dolls", one for each boy- Ironman, Captain America, and another Thor. These are currently the source of much happiness and drama so there will be better pictures of them later. While at the park, Lucas said "Ben, what's that smell Ben??!!" (usually eluding to someones toot or dog poo or brotherly poo) Ben answered.. "It's the smell of MY BIRTHDAY".
Then we, Breann, and the Fellermans were off to Crepes and Waffles for Ben's Bday celebration.
There was also significant ice cream
As you could expect, Ben had the "full experience" of his ice cream and waffles. He is now stripped naked in his bed because we are out of clothing for him.
Here is another downer for the day.. when we were on our way back.. the cobblestone and uneven area became too much for our new stroller and Ben and the metal frame basically snapped. It is now a very sad looking 2 week old stroller.. not sure if I have a warranty receipt for this... oops.
We just got back about an hour ago and Ben fell fast to sleep and Lucas went down with a bit more of an argument over his new Thor. Soon, Alecia is coming to watch L and B and Zahria, and we, the Fellermans, and the two little new kids are heading out to the Leather District! It's my first time.
Sam is still singing me the song of his people and talking to his hand with his sock on it. "Digga digga". Hopefully he doesn't decide to fall asleep as soon as Alecia gets here.
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