Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What happened to 2012? So most of the big updates since that last somewhat emotional post of 2011 are listed on our timeline to the left of the screen. I knew it had been awhile since I had attempted to put up anything on the blog, but I didn't realize it had been that long! Why did that happen exactly? Well, lots of reasons. 1. We do a lot of Facebook around here, and pretty much everyone that wants to keep up with us is on there or is married to someone that is on there. If they aren't on facebook, they probably aren't reading blogs either. 2. The blog is more here as a way to catalog events and feelings for future recollection.. so it doesn't really need to happen in real time as long as it happens eventually. 15 years from now I probably won't care if I was a few months late. 3. I had more than one kid. There. I said it. I just don't have much time for quiet coherent thought... and if I do I use it for journal time with God. So why the update now? Well.. will be traveling back to Colombia in a few months for our 3rd child, and it would be in good form to at least have this space updated between now and then so there isn't a random hole for 18 months of life where suddenly Ted is a doctor, Lucas is in preschool, Erin is working with new ministries, Ben is a little boy, and we have this random new child. Happy updating to me this morning!

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