Monday, March 15, 2010

A few words about Haiti

So... you might ask why I haven't written lots and lots about Haiti yet.. The truth is I've kind of hit a point where I need to take an emotional break from processing it. I've been blessed to have family and friends that truly want to know about the things I saw and what I learned there. I have had opportunities to talk in short and also at length about it. I've had time to cry about little things that I remember. I was able to go to the Global Orphan Project Haiti summit on Friday night where I saw pictures of my Haiti children up on the screen and hear stories about them from the leadership that I have a very personal connection to already. Because I was THERE. I held them. I smelled the smells. I saw their scars... and I know their stories. Amazing stories of faith in our God and horrible stories of horrible things happening to little babes that I love.

I have moments that bring it all back.. like when I get a whiff of diesel fuel on the highway.. or see a construction pile of rubble or when I think how far along one of my pregnant little girls is. She is due in April with a baby girl, and she is 13.

I'm still processing the faith of the pastors of Haiti and how they bring praising the Lord in times of trial to a level I can barely comprehend.

You know how there are moments in your life when you take mental pictures of things that you will never forget. I think my time in Haiti was more pivotal than many of the other experiences in life in terms of how it impacted and changed me. I was changed when Lucas was put into my arms... but I was renewed in a different way while holding children in the back of a truck in downtown Port au Prince.

That is all I have for now. I thought it was time to touch on it, but I'm not really in a place to unleash all details to the world of Blogger just yet.

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